S.P. 51 Rosignanina - Km 6
Loc. Macchiaverde
56040 Santa Luce - Pisa
Click on any date on the calendar below to make a renting reservation. You can book the boat for half a day (4 hours) up to 7 days in a row. Please notice that green dates have one or more available slots, while red dates are not available.
We will receive your booing request and reply to you as quickly as possible confirming your reservation.
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ZAR 43 is 4.30 meters long and 2.16 meters wide; it offers liveability, safety, comfort and performances that are hard to see in a traditional 5.5-meter long rubber dinghy. It can transport 7 people safely and comfortably.
It has two separate sun bathing beds (the front one is almost as big as a double bed), it has a fuel capacity of about 100 litres and a water capacity of about 60 litres without taking away any passenger space.
389 8964591
S.P. 51 Rosignanina – Km 6 Loc. Macchiaverde 56040 Santa Luce – Pisa
We will show you our wide range of services.